GIS Drivers Deliver for Formula One
When you turn into the Formula One Austin Grand Prix at the Circuit of the Americas this weekend, know that a team at Gulf Intermodal Services (GIS), an IMC Company, made the race possible. Kate Gillis-Buecker and a team of drivers have been on-site delivering over 80 containers of test cars, race vehicles and special […]
Happy Driver Appreciation Week!
This year’s Driver Appreciation Week celebration (September 11-17) allows us to highlight and thank drivers like you who keep drayage moving. Be on the lookout for loads of driver appreciation social media posts from our team and customers using the hashtag #DRIVERSMAKEOURDRAY. Check out the posts of gratitude that are already being shared HERE. Drivers are heroes. […]
H&M Driver Makes First Run To Newark Yard
Earlier this month, H&M Owner Operator Aldo Duran was one of the first drivers to deliver a container to our new container depot in Newark, NJ. H&M’s brand new 11-acre container depot has features that we know drivers are going to love! Aldo shares, “I’m so excited to be one of the first drivers to […]
Thirteen Drivers Added to Tenure Wall!
Companies honor drivers in a multitude of ways. At Pacific Drayage Services (PDS), drivers are added to the Driver Tenure Wall after 10 years of service with the company. This year, a record-breaking thirteen PDS drivers all reached the ten-year mark at one time and were celebrated and added to the wall. One such driver […]
The Road to 40 Years of Success!
At IMC Companies we realize that YOU are the drivers of our success. We were honored to recently celebrate our 40th anniversary. Pictured here at the celebration is our Chairman, Mark H. George and a 33 year veteran owner operator Tony Coleman. IMC was founded by Mark and Melinda George in 1982 as Intermodal Cartage, […]
IMC Driver Reflects on Decades of Service
As IMC embarks on our 40-year anniversary, we’re looking back to some of the people and experiences that have helped us get to this milestone. Leonard Clay joined the IMC family as a driver more than 27 years ago. Reflecting on the early days of his career brings up memories of good times and comradery […]
Delivering Joy to the Memphis Community
COVID-19 presented many challenges for churches and schools, including the need for increased disinfecting on high-touch surfaces in places where teachers, children and families gather. Thanks to a generous donation by IMC’s own Pacific Drayage Services, we were recently able to deliver 15,000 canisters of disinfecting wipes to Memphis area schools and churches, in partnership […]
Delivering Holiday Cheer at Christmas!
As the end of the year approaches, we look back with pride at the challenges we’ve overcome and the growth we’ve experienced. As a driver, you understand firsthand what it takes to deliver America’s goods day in and day out. I’m sure you’ll agree that we could all use a little of Kris Kringle’s magic this holiday season as we continue to navigate the supply chain shortage. With Santa on our team, IMC is sure to deliver a fabulous Christmas to our customers, partners and – most importantly, drivers like you who make it all possible. We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!