IMC Newsroom

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IMC Driver Services Team Keeps Drivers Moving

IMC’s Director of Driver Services, Kevin Mott, and his team provide daily operation and oversight of driver services, directly supporting every IMC driver and trucking operation. “While we have a lot of functions, our big three are owner/operator settlements; roadside repairs; and storage demurrage processing,” says Mott. “In short, we keep drivers moving.” Since the […]

Complying with California’s Indirect Source Rule

Warehouse operators within the South Coast Air Basin are subject to new information gathering, recordkeeping and reporting requirements on the trucks servicing their locations. However, many operators still need to comply with the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s Warehouse Indirect Source Rule. “They’re putting the onus on the warehouse operators in Southern California to monitor […]

Women Who Lead in Transportation: Donna Lemm

The Memphis Business Journal comments on Donna Lemm, IMC CCO, being a female leader by saying, “As for career accomplishments, it’s about the 30-plus-year journey for Donna, rather than a moment. With hard work, she trailblazed “through traditional paradigms in a very heavily male-dominated industry,” coming out victorious for more, new, and better ways to […]