IMC Companies News
Jared and Sandy Stewart Discuss the History of OIS

“Our industry is very stressful, and you have to have a positive family attitude and culture. IMC Companies is founded on the same principles as TIS, and we knew drivers would be happy to be part of their team,” says Jared Stewart, OIS Vice President.
Treating drivers like family was the rule of TRANSInternational Systems since its inception in 1974. When the time came to merge with another company of similar values, IMC Companies was a perfect choice.
Jared and Sandy Stewart embody the importance of a family-friendly workspace. When Jared’s grandfather first started TIS, he created a family atmosphere where the drivers were appreciated and respected. Over the years, TIS had many offers by competing companies, but Jared’s Grandfather and Father would not sell. IMC Companies matched the same family-owned culture and provided a secure future for drivers. By joining the IMC Companies Family of Brands, TIS drivers increased their pay and benefits.
“At first, the transition was a little stressful, but once we sat down and talked with the drivers and discussed their concerns, everyone realized what a great opportunity this was.” Over 95% of TIS drivers stayed on with IMC Companies after the merger. Now–exactly one year later–our drivers are continuing to thrive at OIS.
Sandy Stewart started with TIS in 1999 in customer service and has become a key figure in the operations of the company. She explains, “It’s all about personal relationships. We are built on creating long-term partnerships with our team. They are not just a number; we want to know about their families, about their life.”
Jared added, “Drivers are the most important people in our company. We do not exist without them. We work for the drivers.”