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IMC Logistics Completes Trial With Hyzon in Texas

Fuel Cell Works follows up with IMC after a two-week trial with Hyzon and writes, “a U.S.-based high-performance hydrogen fuel cell system manufacturer and technology developer focused on providing zero-emission power to decarbonize the most demanding industries, today announced the completion of a successful trial of its Class 8 200kW Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) […]

IMC CCO Donna Lemm Weighs in on Chassis Enforcement

IMC’s CCO, Donna Lemm, discusses Chassis enforcement with Transport Topics recently. “The study references a goal of meeting the beneficial cargo owners’ objectives, but loses sight of the ultimate goal that best chassis practices enhance the success of the flow for all supply chain stakeholders, including motor carriers, railroads, ocean carriers and our import/export shippers…” […]